What is EQ? (EI001)
Emotional Intelligence
What is EQ? (EI001)
Have you ever empathized with a friend who was going through a tough time? Then you’ve probably used your EQ. EQ refers to emotional intelligence. We need emotional intelligence to recognize and manage emotions - not just in ourselves, but in...
Self-Awareness (EI002)
Emotional Intelligence
Self-Awareness (EI002)
A co-worker offers you some helpful feedback to improve your latest project, and you immediately start to feel anxious or unbalanced. You can’t even explain why you feel that way as the feedback is really constructive. What’s going on? You...
Self-Regulation (EI003)
Emotional Intelligence
Self-Regulation (EI003)
You’re having a really bad day at work, when you find a co-worker’s empty coffee cup on your desk. It wouldn’t usually be a big deal, but all your frustrations about your workday bubble up and you find yourself wanting to yell at them. If...
Emotional Intelligence: Motivation (EI004)
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence: Motivation (EI004)
Have you ever found a task so absorbing, you lost all sense of time? Chances are, you found that task so rewarding, you were highly motivated to do it again. That type of inner motivation is more powerful than external rewards such as money or...
Emotional Intelligence: Empathy (EI005)
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence: Empathy (EI005)
You’re about to ask your co-worker for a favor. But you notice they look a little stressed, so you decide to ask someone else instead. You’ve just used your empathy skills. You understood how someone else was feeling, and responded...
Social Skills (EI006)
Emotional Intelligence
Social Skills (EI006)
Have you ever wondered why some people are great in social situations, while others seem to struggle? Maybe you find it hard to persuade people to go along with your ideas, while for your co-workers it seems easy. But why? Well, it’s all down...
Improving your EQ (EI007)
Emotional Intelligence
Improving your EQ (EI007)
Using logical thinking and good analytical skills can be beneficial in the workplace. Skills like these demonstrate a person’s level of intellectual ability, or IQ. But a high IQ isn’t the only marker for career success. Emotional...
Conflict Management Using EQ (EI008)
Emotional Intelligence
Conflict Management Using EQ (EI008)
All workplaces feature conflicts. These range from complaints about colleagues who don’t clean up after themselves, to power struggles, and professional jealousy. Conflict management is a useful tool for helping to alleviate such challenges....
Collaboration and Developing EQ in Teams (EI009)
Emotional Intelligence
Collaboration and Developing EQ in Teams (EI009)
As the old saying goes, “You can’t choose your family.” Well, many people can’t choose their teammates, either. It’s understandable that not all teams will behave like a close, loving family. There might be tensions, arguments, and even...
Creativity and EQ (EI010)
Emotional Intelligence
Creativity and EQ (EI010)
Many of us might think we were born with or without creative talents. However, creativity is a skill, and all of us can learn to be more inventive. There's another skill we can learn that will help improve creativity even more: emotional...

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